Website it is an information source where you can get acquainted with the opinions of other people, their experience in eliminating specific causes of malfunctions and exchange useful information about the product, including its basic technical characteristics, features, key advantages and disadvantages. Electronic resource being only a tool for obtaining the necessary information about devices, it is not responsible for the results of your activities, including the safety of video, audio and other material, as well as for the possibility of its further work. This is due to the fact that the method of Troubleshooting for each specific case is different and is made taking into account the General condition of the equipment, its operating conditions, proper care and other factors. Internet site saves only your email address, solely for the purpose of confirming that you are a person and not a bot. You have the right to change the username to whatever you want. If you want to change or delete any data, but you cannot do it yourself, you can send a request via the feedback form in the support section.